广州蓝狮平台农生物科技有限公司(Guangzhou Applon Biotechnology Co.,Ltd. )版权所有 粤ICP备18042584号-1
CopyRight All Right Reserved 广东蓝狮平台农 手艺支持:广州网站建设
APPLON Advantage
Reliable raw materials,stable and safe products
The design of formula is scientific and reasonable
Science of production process , excellent fluidity of product
The authority institution recommends products, strictly implement ISO 9001 and ISO 22000
Customized formula
蓝狮平台农由国家饲料工程手艺研究中央监制生产。从质料采购、生产到制品及售后服务都严酷贯彻执行ISO 9001质量治理系统和ISO 22000食物清静治理系统尺度要求。产物质量得以充实保证。同时可向客户提供所需服务,一直知足客户的需求。
APPLON ’s production is supervised by the national feed engineering technology research center. The quality of products is fully guaranteed. At the same time, we can provide customers with the required services to meet customers' needs.